About Dana
I have a very personal story that led me on a path to being here with you today. You see, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in early 2013. What I still find remarkable was my reaction to this news.
I had never even had a stitch or broken bone, let alone a diagnosis of a life-threatening disease. I was scared and shocked when given my diagnosis, but I was also immediately galvanized to discover ALL of the options available to me in restoring my health.
I wanted – no, needed — to have a sense of control over my recovery.
I began to read everything I could get my hands on about treating cancer. A common thread in many of the books and articles I read was the need to release all of my negative trapped emotions. I had never heard about how this is done and dove deeper into my research.
I literally started by doing a Google Search on “how to release a trapped emotion”. I am happy to say that through my research, I learned The Emotion Code and Body Code techniques. Learning about how to systematically release my old baggage has enabled me to work on this to the very core of my being.
It also gave me a NEW purpose in life. Because of this profound experience, I decided to dedicate myself to others by becoming a healer. I am a Certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner and am also fully trained in Psych-K which is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind!
The treatment process for my cancer wasn’t quick or easy to say the least, but I can finally embrace the fact that it was a tool for own personal self-discovery. It literally put me on the path to being a Certified Emotion Code and Body Practitioner.
What’s interesting is that before cancer, I had run my own insurance agency (an S Corp.) for years, yet I was having trouble starting my healing business. You have to admit, it’s a little bit more “out there” as a business than an insurance agency is.
That’s when help arrived. Dr. Nelson and Healer’s Library offered a year-long course to help me become a practitioner with a practice that was “seeing” clients.
I knew I needed help and I grabbed the opportunity! With my business skills and some help along the way I can say that my practice is a success. If you’re seeking assistance with your business I hope you’ll consider joining an upcoming Take Flight course or reach out to me about Business Coaching. I can’t wait to meet you!